I just spent three days in San Diego for for Comic Con and I had a great time! This year I didn't have my brother to come along with me so I flew solo which wreaked havoc on my nerves. I don't do that well in social situations when I'm alone so it took most of Thursday to get comfortable with the craziness that is SDCC.
Here's a picture of what it looked like outside of the convention center, so you can imagine how crowd looked like on the inside!

I spent most of Thursday walking around the exhibit hall soaking it in.

I love toys so I was very excited to see the South Park collection that Kid Robot is coming out with. I'm definitely going to get Randy with his giant balls when these are released.

I did manage to check out a couple of panels on Thursday. The first one was a Buffy the Vampire Slayer and LGBT with Jane Espenson, Tom Lenk, and Scott Allie. I love Jane's writing so I was pretty excited to see her.

I also got to check out a panel called Her Universe: What Women Want in Their Female Sci-fi Heroes which was pretty interesting. Girl power!
Friday I got to check out The Captains which was a panel about a new documentary put out by EPIX Pictures about the different Star Trek captains. The documentary was produced and directed by William Shatner who was part of the panel along with Avery Brooks and Scott Bakula. The moderator was Kevin Smith. The parts of the film they previewed were petty funny so I'll definitely be checking it out.

Heath Ledger's Joker clown mask from the Dark Knight movie

Had to snap a picture of this tattooed muscle boy. So cute yet so creepy!

I love seeing all the people who dress up for the convention, but my favorite is when you see a big group of regular people and a random costumed character in the mix. The best one I saw was in the Mattel toy panel. There was a He-Man sitting with his friend Superman in the row behind me. They looked super legit so it made it perfect! I didn't get a picture of them, but I did get this panda walking around downstairs. If only that happened everyday!

Mattel's Masters of of the Universe Classics collection of upcoming toys is awesome! Here are a few of the ones I'm looking forward to getting..
Shadow Weaver

The Sorceress

I'm obviously a She-Ra fan. But they also have an Andre The Giant figure from their WWE collection I'd love to get my hands on. I love that guy!

Saturday I started out the day going to the From Buddha to Batman panel with Grant Morrison, Deepak Chopra, and his son Gotham Chopra. I missed the Grant Morrison DC panel, but this was even better because I got a 2 for 1 with Deepak. I love his book The Seven Spiritual Laws to Success so when I heard he came out with the superhero version I was definitely curious. This did not disappoint and starting out the day with a panel that ended with a meditation guiding us to find our inner superhero, well, you just can't beat that! I also loved hearing Deepak's reasons for why the way Magneto's helmet works is unrealistic. Hilarious!

I got the great surprise of my friend Carlos joining me on Saturday. He was able to get a pass last minute and since he had never been to a con before I was stoked to have him join me. My anxiety was gone once I had my buddy with me!

We got to check out Frank Miller and Joss Whedon whom I absolutely love! Was super excited to see him and hear about all his upcoming plans. Dr. Horrible 2 is gonna be great and I'm looking forward to reading new Buffy comics soon!
Was finally able to get a picture of myself since I had my friend with me now :)
Loved the costumed heroes!

Showing off with our beheading victim at the Spartacus booth

Checked out one last panel before heading out. The Art of the Hollywood Movie Poster was awesome for me since I'm a big fan of illustrated movie posters. They always stand out to me so much more than the typical poster with photos.

A look back at the convention center as we say goodbye. I had a great time at the con. I got tons of comics, sketchbooks, and other goodies as well as a chance to see tons of comic book artists. What more could a girl ask for? :)

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