There are some people that come into your life and really make an impression that stays with you forever. Marie was one of those people for me. She was the mother of my three good friends, Michelle, Gene, and Steve. Marie was a tough lady with a big heart. Unfortunately in 2005 she lost her fight with AIDS.

In Loving Memory of
Marie Aide Barrionuevo
I cannot begin to imagine what it would be like to lose my mother, but I can see the effect it has had on my friends and I can't help but think that there is something we can do. AIDS is a horrible disease that has taken mothers, fathers, friends, and loved ones away from this world and a solution must be found.
This October I will be participating in the Los Angeles AIDS Walk as part of Team Marie's Fight. The walk will take place in West Hollywood and I will be walking 10 kilometers along with my team and thousands of other people hoping to make a difference.
Since its inception in 1985, AIDS Walk Los Angeles has benefited AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA), an AIDS service organization dedicated to: improving the lives of people affected by HIV disease; reducing the incidence of HIV infection; and advocating for fair and effective HIV–related public policy. AIDS Walk Los Angeles makes it possible for APLA to provide urgently needed food, dental care, safe housing, and much more to people with HIV/AIDS who also face poverty, hunger, and homelessness. APLA also runs the county’s largest network of HIV prevention programs to end the epidemic in Los Angeles.

Team Marie's Fight 2010
Last year I was able to help raise $600 for this cause. This year I am setting a personal fundraising goal of $1000. Help me to reach this goal by making a donation using the link below.

Sadly it is too late for Marie, but it is not too late to help make a difference. Join me in continuing Marie's Fight!
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